Writings on The Wall

The Urban Legend

People say that there is a man who sneaks into people's houses each night, but feels that it is not right to steal food. Because of no knowledge of how to use a pencil or pen, he will only use a quill. Because there is no ink to use the quill with, he will cut his own arm with the tip of the quill, and use the blood from that very wound to write on the wall, so that it looked like red paint. What he would write on the walls would be requests of what he wanted to eat. (Ex: Please put some cooked steak out on the table, please leave a couple oranges on the kitchen counter) People would be so frightened by this infliction, that they felt if they didn't carry out the orders of EXACTLY what the writing said, then they would die.
Police Reports
Name: Edison Jackson
Age: 45
Date: 2/19/09
Summary of Event: When I woke up, I found writing in my bathroom, saying that it was all out of soap. The writing was bloodshot red, as if it were blood. At first I thought is was the damn neighborhood teenagers, breaking into my house, using red paint, and trying to scare me.
Actions Taken: I went to get the red substance tested, and found that it was type AB blood. Next, I picked up a knife in fear that someone was trying to threaten me. After 2 or 3 more days of blood writing, I got sick of it and then called the police.
Name: Ethan Roberts
Age: 33
Date: 4/21/09
Summary of Event: My son Evan woke me up, inflicted by fear I was guessing because of his horrified expression, and showed me this red writing on our living room wall.
Actions Taken: We both stood there in shock right in front of the writing for about five minutes, only to be interrupted by a banging sound coming from our downstairs. I grabbed my 12 gauge shotgun, and chased after the noise. But when we got downstairs, all that I saw was a faint shadow exit out of our back door. After that, I picked up our phone and dialed 911.

Name: Kailey Whitts
Age: 29
Date: 5/02/10
Summary of Event: I was eating breakfast when I got up to use the porcelain unmentionable, but when I got back I encountered my worst nightmare. There was this distinct, red, sloppy handwriting on my kitchen walls, like what you would see in a horror movie.
Actions Taken: I screamed frantically in horror for a really long time, and then I could make out this really soft whisper behind me that exclaimed, “It is a crime against God to disobey your loyal workers.” I turned around, but saw nothing. Then, I picked up a kitchen dagger and held it close to defend myself. Then, about 3 hours later of anxiousness, I picked up the phone and called my local police department.

Abbott's Perspective
People say that I am a bad man, but I was only doing what I needed to to survive. I was a monk who got kicked out of the Catholic Church for worshiping the devil. But I was only talking to him so that I could make sure that he understood that he would never have the power of our savior. But even though I was kicked out, I still felt that it was my duty to god to continue to study his word. I sneaked into a different house each night, but because it was a sin to steal, I cut myself with an old quill, and used the blood to place requests of what I wanted to eat. Because that is all that people are; Loyal servants to carry out orders of whatever anyone else tells them to, weather they are inflicted by pain, love, hatred, or even pure evil.